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Work With Me

For 29 years I have worked with parents when it comes to collaborating on parenting and child development. I also found myself being a godmother and aunt to many wonderful children through the years. In 2015, I met an adorable toddler with a multitude of medical and developmental needs who stole my heart and would later become my very own son. Through these many experiences, I have learned that parenting can sometimes be a rewarding job and sometimes a difficult job but either way it is a job. A job that we as parents must show-up and glow-up for. What I have seen over the years and have come to understand is that parents’ show-up and glow-ups are different. This difference does not mean that parents don’t love their children, it means that some parents need more help than others. I am excited to offer that help in the form of coaching.

Happy Family

Advocacy 101: A Grassroots Approach to Advocacy for Families

4 weeks

Your investment: $299

This 4 week course will help you to better understand what advocacy means, how it pertains to every family, and how you can become an advocate for your own family. 

Join me for live trainings on Zoom, homework, weekly Q&A's and hot seat coaching. 

Book a call with me below so we can talk about your needs as a parent and how I can best support you!


6 weeks


This coaching program is directed toward individuals who are struggling with limiting beliefs that they feel they gained as a child. These limiting beliefs can hold you back from pursuing goals that you have set for yourself or from setting goals in the first place. I found myself struggling for years trying to prove myself in so many different areas. I was trying to prove myself for the wrong reasons and people. I finally realized, through coaching, that some limiting beliefs that I grew up with were holding me back. After realizing this and the work I put into identifying those limiting beliefs and triggers, I was then able to move forward for the right reasons and person. Myself! If this resonates with you then please click on my discovery call link to schedule a free 20 minute virtual discovery call.

Parents and Daughter

1:1 For Parents

6 weeks


Coaching parents to help them better manage the stresses of parenting. As well as addressing the importance of self-care to maintain social emotional and mental wellbeing for both you and your family. Using the cognitive behavioral approach as well as reframing, I will collaborate with parents to address limiting beliefs that are standing in your way from helping you become the caring and engaging parent you want to be to help your child(ren) become caring and engaging individuals. We will meet once a week to address your long term parenting objective and the short term goals to achieve that objective. We will focus on your objective that you want to meet at the end of the 6 weeks then we will address what has been hindering you in the past. Once we address what has been holding you back you will take the necessary steps to reach your goals. 

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